Sunday 3 November 2013

Uttarakhand P C S (J) 2012  


1.      Which of the following Amendments of the Constitution made it mandatory for the President to
       accept the advice given by Council of Ministers ?
        (a)    39th Amendment                                  (b)    42nd Amendment 
        (c)    49th Amendment                                  (d)    44th Amendment
2.      The President of India may be removed from his office on which of the following grounds ?
        (a)    Proved misbehaviour                             (b)    Incapacity
        (c)    Violation of the Constitution                   (d)    All of the above
3.      In law ‘whistle blower’ means
        (a)    A person who blows whistle to make a game over.
        (b)    A person who gives an information about corruption. 
        (c)    A person who blows whistle to start running.
        (d)    None of the above.
4.      In which case it was laid down that the “amendment in the Constitution is exercise of legislative
       functions of the Parliament” ?
        (a)    Shankari Prasad Vs. Union of India
        (b)    Golak Nath Vs. State of Punjab 
        (c)    Sajjan Singh Vs. State of Rajasthan
        (d)    Keshvanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala
5.      When was the Constitution of India enacted ?
        (a)    15th August, 1947                               (b)    26th January, 1950
        (c)    26th November, 1949                             (d)    2nd October, 1947
6.      Which   of   the   following   became   the   first   lady   advocate   of   Indian   origin   appointed   as   legal  advisor of the Queen of England ?
        (a)    R. Menon                                        (b)    R. Anthony
        (c)    K. Kaul                                         (d)    None of the above
7.      Which of the following Article of the Constitution declares the Supreme Court shall be a Court
       of Record ?
        (a)    Article 127                                     (b)    Article 129 
        (c)    Article 128                                     (d)    Article 130
8.      The Uttarakhand Police Act was enacted in which of the following year ?
        (a)    2009                                            (b)    2008
        (c)    2007                                            (d)    None of the above
9.      Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
        (a)    The Sale of Goods Act                               –      1927          ( actual year 1979)
        (b)    The Arbitration & Conciliation Act              –      1996
        (c)    The Copyright Act                                      –      1957
        (d)    The Right to Information Act                       –      2005
10.     In   which    of   the  following     case   compensation       was    first  time    awarded     for  violation    of  Fundamental Rights ?
        (a)    Sunil Batra Vs. Delhi Administration
        (b)    Rudal Sah Vs. State of Bihar 
        (c)    Dharam Singh Vs. State of Jammu & Kashmir
        (d)    None of the above
11.     By which of the following Constitutional Amendment Clause (4-B) was added to Article 16 of
       the Constitution ?
        (a)    80th                                           (b)     82nd
        (c)    81st                                            (d)    85th
12.     The President of India shall be elected by
        (a)    Members of electoral college. 
        (b)    the elected members of both Houses of Parliament.
        (c)    the elected Members of Legislative Assemblies of States.
        (d)    None of the above.
13.     Where any information sought under the Right to Information Act concerns the life or liberty of
       a person, the same shall be provided within the receipt of the request
        (a)    24 Hours                                        (b)    72 Hours
        (c)    96 Hours                                        (d)    48 Hours 

14.     In   which   of   the   following   case   the   Supreme   Court   held   that   Article   16(4-A)   providing   for
       reservation in promotions is a enabling provision ?
        (a)    Keshvanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala
        (b)    M. Nagraj Vs. Union of India 
        (c)    State of Kerala Vs. N.M. Thomas
        (d)    T.M. Pai Foundation Vs. State of Karnataka

15.     ‘Diarchy’ was established in India by which of the following ?
        (a)    The Indian Council Act, 1909
        (b)    The Government of India Act, 1935
        (c)    The Government of India Act, 1919 
        (d)    None of the above

16.     Which of the following statements is not correct ?
        (a)    Judgement of a High Court is not binding on other High Courts.
        (b)    Judgement of a High Court is binding on all courts within its jurisdiction.
        (c)    Judgement of a same Bench is not binding on the later Bench of the co-equal strength. 
        (d)    Judgement of the Double Bench is binding on Singh Bench.

17.     Judicial Review of the 9th Schedule of the Constitution has been made permissible by which of the following case decided by the Supreme Court ? 
        (a)    Keshvanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala 
        (b)    M. Nagraj Vs. Union of India 
        (c)    Minerva Mills Ltd. Vs. Union of India 
        (d)    I.R. Coelho Vs. State of Tamil Nadu 

18.     Which   of   the   following   Articles   of   the   Constitution   relates   to   creation   of   All   India   Judicial  Service in India common to Union and the States ? 
        (a)    Article 312                                     (b)    Article 312-A 
        (c)    Article 313                                     (d)    Article 315 

19.     Which one of the following  Indian political leaders was awarded by the ‘International Jurists 
       Award, 2012’ ? 
        (a)    Sushama Swaraj                                  (b)    Lalu Prasad Yadav 
        (c)    Pranab Mukherjee                                (d)    Mulayam Singh Yadav 

20.     Which one of the following Acts was recently passed by the Parliament ? 
        (a)    The Sexual Offences Act 
        (b)    The Domestic Violence Act 
        (c)    The Prohibition of Dowry Act 
        (d)    The Right to Information Act 

21.     The   action   required   to   carry  out   the   decision   of   the   Security  Council   for   the   maintenance   of  international peace and security shall be taken by which of the following ? 
        (a)    All   the   Members   of   the   United   Nations   or   some  of   them   as   the   Security   Council   may determine
        (b)    All the Members of the Security Council. 
        (c)    The General Assembly by its majority vote. 
        (d)    All of the above. 

22.     Where is the seat (headquarter) of International Court of Justice ? 
        (a)    New York                                        (b)    The Hague 
        (c)    New Delhi                                       (d)    Geneva 

23.     Who wrote “The Limits of Jurisprudence Defined” ? 
        (a)    Bentham                                         (b)    Allen 
        (c)    Austin                                          (d)    Gray 

24.     An empowered committee constituted on Mullaperiyar Dam headed by which of the following ? 
        (a)    Justice Arijit Pasayat 
        (b)    Former Chief Justice A.S. Anand 
        (c)    Former Chief Justice Y.K. Sabarwal 
        (d)    Justice P.K. Bala Subramanyam 

25.     Tick the correct citation of Nagraj Vs. Union of India : 
        (a)     AIR 2006 SC 71                                  (b)    AIR 2008 SC 71 
        (c)     AIR 2007 SC 71                                  (d)    None of the above 

26.     Who is Chairman of Law Commission of India whose tenure ended on 31   August 2012 ? 
        (a)     Justice A.R. Lakshman                           (b)    Justice J.S. Verma 
        (c)     Justice P.V. Reddy                              (d)    None of the above 

27.     Supreme   Court   Rules,   1966   have   been   framed   under   which   of   the   following   Articles   of   the  Constitution ? 
        (a)     Article 146                                     (b)    Article 143 
        (c)     Article 144                                     (d)    Article 145 

28.     Which of the following is not correctly matched ? 
               High Courts                  Seat 
        (a)     Chhattisgarh         –       Bilaspur 
        (b)     Rajasthan            –       Jaipur 
        (c)     Orissa               –       Cuttack 
        (d)     Kerala               –       Ernakulam 

29.     Which of the following is/are not within the jurisdiction of Right to Information Act ? 
        (1)     The Supreme Court of India 
        (2)     Rajiv Gandhi Foundation 
        (3)     President of India 
        Choose the correct answer : 
        (a)     All of the above                                (b)    Only (1) 
        (c)     Only (2)                                        (d)    Only (3) 

30.     Bar Council of India is a statutory body constituted under which of the following ? 
        (a)     The Supreme Court Rules, 1966 
        (b)     The Constitution of India 
        (c)     The Advocates Act, 1961 
        (d)     Union Ministry of Law & Justice 

31.     Omita Paul appointed as President’s Secretary belongs to which of the following cadres ? 
        (a)     Indian Administrative Service 
        (b)     Indian Information Service 
        (c)     Indian Police Service 
        (d)     Indian Foreign Service 

32.     Which of the following Committee related to revamping of the Motor Vehicles Act ? 
        (a)     The Mashalekar Committee 
        (b)     The Naresh Chandra Committee 
        (c)     The S. Sunder Committee 
        (d)     None of the above 

33.     Which of the following is “State” within the definition of Article 12 of the Constitution ? 
        (a)    National Book Trust 
        (b)    State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) 
        (c)    Rajiv Gandhi Board 
        (d)    Institute of Constitutional & Parliamentarian Studies 

34.     “Judges not only discover law but they also make law.”  Who among the following was supporter of this view ? 
        (a)    Gray                                           (b)    Diecy 
        (c)    Salmond                                        (d)    Blackstone 

35.     Which of the following is not principal organ of the United Nations ? 
        (a)    The International Court of Justice             (b)    The Secretariat 
        (c)    The Trusteeship Council                        (d)    The International Monetary Fund 

36.     Consider the following and choose the correct answer given below : 
        (1)    Tonga                                          (2)    Vatican City 
        (3)    East Timur                                     (4)    Montenegro 
        (a)    All are Members of the U.N. 
        (b)    Only (1) and (2) are Members of the U.N. 
        (c)    Only (3) and (4) are Members of the U.N. 
        (d)    Only (1), (2) and (3) are Members of the U.N. 

37.     “The Initiative of Five” is associated with which of the following ? 
        (a)    NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) 
        (b)    BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) 
        (c)    U.N.O. (United Nations Organization) 
        (d)    League of Nations 

38.     Who among the following has been sentenced by United Nation backed War Crimes Court for 
       war crimes against humanity ? 
        (a)    Charles Taylor                                 (b)    Fasih Mohemood 
        (c)    Adolfo Calero                                  (d)    None of the above 

39.     “Catch   up”   rule   established   by  the   Supreme   Court   of   India   relates   to   which   of   the   following  Article of the Constitution ? 
        (a)    Article 14                                     (b)    Article 16(4) 
        (c)    Article 15(4)                                  (d)    Article 16(4A) 

40.     Which of the following pair is not correctly matched ? 
        (a)    Declaration of Atlantic Charter                –      1941 
        (b)    Moscow Declaration                             –      1943 
        (c)    Dumbarton Oakes Conference                     –      1944 
        (d)    Kellog-Briand Pact                             –      1938 

 41.    The short title of our Constitution is the ‘Constitution of India’. Under which of the following 
       Articles of the Constitution it has been mentioned ? 
        (a)     Article 394                                     (b)     Article 394A 
        (c)     Article 393                                     (d)     Article 1 

 42.    Name of the first Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India was 
        (a)     Justice H.L.J. Kania                            (b)     Justice Patanjali Shastri 
        (c)     Justice S.R. Das                                (d)     Justice A.N. Ray 

 43.    The first Constituent Assembly’s Meeting held on 9-12-46 was presided over by 
        (a)     Dr. Rajendra Prasad                             (b)     Shri S.N. Sinha 
        (c)     Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru                          (d)     None of the above 

 44.    ‘Public Interest Litigation’ is filed in 
        (a)     Subordinate Courts                              (b)     High Courts or Supreme Court 
        (c)     only Supreme Court                              (d)     Central Administrative Tribunal 

 45.    “Right   to   Education”   as   Fundamental   Right   was   added   in   the   Constitution   by   which   of   the   following Constitutional Amendment ? 
        (a)     42nd                                           (b)      44th 
        (c)     84th                                           (d)      86th 

 46.    The Reserve Bank of India was established in which of the following years ? 
        (a)     1930                                            (b)     1934 
        (c)     1935                                            (d)     1920 

 47.    The Supreme Court of India issued directive in July 2012 to protect which of the following wild 
       animal ? 
        (a)     Tiger                                           (b)     Lion 
        (c)     Leopard                                         (d)     Elephant 

 48.    Which   one   of   the   following   is   correct   in   respect   of   Justice   Saumitra   Sen,   former   Judge   of   Calcutta High Court ? 
        (a)     He was removed through impeachment. 
        (b)     He resigned before impeachment motion started. 
        (c)     He resigned after impeachment motion was passed by Lok Sabha. 
        (d)     He resigned after impeachment motion was withdrawn. 

 49.    The number of Articles and Schedules in original Indian Constitution was 
        (a)     395 Articles and 8 Schedules                    (b)     394 Articles and 9 Schedules 
        (c)     396 Articles and 10 Schedules                   (d)     395 Articles and 7 Schedules 

 50.    The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated in which of the following countries ? 
        (a)     Australia                                       (b)     U.S.A. 
        (c)     U.K.                                            (d)     India 

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