Thursday 14 November 2013


 1.         The Indian Evidence act into force on

            a)         06 Oct 1860                                          b)         01 Mar 1974
            c)         15 Mar 1872                                          d)         01 Sep 1872                              Ans:d

2.         The Indian Evidence act enacted in

            a)         06 Oct 1860                                          b)         01 Mar 1974
            c)         15 Mar 1872                                          d)         01 Sep 1872                              Ans:c

3.         The Indian Evidence act  1872 Consists

a)             167 Sections, 11 chapters
b)            511 Sections, 23 chapter
c)             156 Sections, 3 Schedules
d)            None of these                                                                                       Ans:a

4.         The Indian Evidence act  1872  was drafted by

            a)         Sir James F. Stephen                b)         Macaulay
            c)         Lilly                                                      d)         None of these               Ans:a

5.         The Indian Evidence act  1872 extends to

a)             Whole India                                          
b)            Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area & Jammu and Kashmir
c)             Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area
d)            Whole India except Jammu and Kashmir                                                 Ans:d (1)

6.         Facts means and include

a)             Any thing, state of things, or relation of things, capable of being perceived by the senses
b)            Any mental condition of which any person is conscious.
c)             Both the A and B
d)            Neither A nor B                                                                                      Ans:c(3)

7.         Facts can be

(a)        Physical facts                          
(b)        Psychological facts
(c)        Physical as well as psychological facts
(d)        Only physical facts & not psychological facts.                                       Ans:c

8.         The law of evidence consists of
(a)        Ordinary rules of reasoning        (b)        Legal rules of evidence
(c)        Rules of logic                           (d)        All the above.                Ans:b

9.         Indian Evidence Act applies to

(a)        Proceedings before tribunals     (b)        Proceedings before the arbitrator
(c)        Judicial proceedings in courts    (d)        All the above.                Ans:c

10.        Law of evidence is

(a)        Lex tallienis                                           (b)        Lex fori
(c)        Lex loci solutionis                                 (d)        Lex situs.                                  Ans:b

11.        Law of evidence is

(a)        Substantive law                         (b)        An adjective law
(c)        Both (a) & (b)                            (d)        Neither (a) nor (b).                     Ans:b

12.        Under the Evidence Act, fact means

(a)        Factum probandum
(b)        Factum probans
(c)        Both factum probandum and factum probans
(d)        None of the above.                                                                                           Ans:c

13.        Fact in issue means

(a)        Fact, existence or non-existence of which is admitted by the parties
(b)        Fact, existence or non-existence of which is disputed by the parties
(c)        Fact existence or non-existence of which is not disputed by the parties
(d)        All the above.                                                                                        Ans:b

14.        Evidence under the Indian Evidence Act means & includes

(a)        Ocular evidence
(b)        Documentary evidence
(c)        Ocular and documentary evidence both
(d)        Ocular evidence based on documents only.                                            Ans:c

15.        Mark the correct option

a)             Documents means any matter expressed or described upon any substance b means of letter, figures or marks.
b)            Words printed, lithographed or photographed are documents
c)             A map or plan is a document
d)            An inscription on a metal plate or stone and caricature are documents.
e)             All the above                                                                                                     Ans:e(3)

16.        Mark the correct option

a)             All statements which the court permits or requires to be made before  it by witnesses, in relation to matters of fact under inquiry such statements are called oral evidence
b)            All documents including electronic records produced for the inspection of the court called as documentary evidence
c)             Both the A and B are correct
d)            Neither A nor B are correct.                                                                    Ans:c

17.        After considering the matters before it, the Court either believes it to exist that fact is said to be

            a)         Not proved                                                       b)         Disapproved
            c)         Proved                                                 d)         None of these   Ans:c(3)

18.        After considering the matters before it, the Court either believes that it does not exist, or considers its non-existence that fact said to be

a)         Not proved                                                       b)         Disapproved
            c)         Proved                                                 d)         None of these   Ans:b(3)

19.        A fact neither proved nor disproved is known

a)         Not proved                                                       b)         Disapproved
            c)         Proved                                                 d)         None of these   Ans:a(3)

20.        Whenever it is provided by this Act that the Court may presume a fact, it may either regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved, or may call for proof of it

a)         May presume                                        b)         Conclusive proof
c)         Shall presume                                       d)         None of these   Ans:a(4)

21.        Whenever it is directed by this Act that the Court shall presume a fact, it shall regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved

a)         May presume                                        b)         Conclusive proof
c)         Shall presume                                       d)         None of these   Ans:c(4)

22.        When one fact is declared by this Act to be conclusive proof of another, the Court shall, on proof of the one fact, regard the other as proved, and shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it

a)         May presume                                        b)         Conclusive proof
c)         Shall presume                                       d)         None of these   Ans:b(4)

23.        Which one of the following is not included in expression court under Indian Evidence Act

            a)         All Judges                                                                    b)         All Magistrates
            c)         All persons legally authorized to take evidence   d)         Arbitrator          Ans:d

24.        That there are certain objects arranged in a certain order in a certain place-

            a)         Is a fact                                                            b)         Is an opinion
            c)         Is a document                                       d)         Is a motive                    Ans:a(3)

25.        A inscription on metal plate or stone

            a)         Is a fact                                                            b)         Is a document
            c)         Is an opinion                                                     d)         Is a motive                    Ans:b(3)

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