Thursday 14 November 2013

Current Affairs & General Awareness for PSC 


1. As per the recently released Government data, which state has the highest percentage households availing of banking service?
Answer :- Himachal Pradesh

2. Who has appointed as the president of International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) India?
Answer :- Rajan Bharati Mittal

3. New STAR(Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) is signed between which countries?
Answer :- USA and Russia

4. At which location, India's first all women Post Office was recently inaugurated ?
Answer :- New Delhi (at Shastri Bhawan)

5. Which was the them for 'International Women's Day 2013'?
Answer :- 'A Promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women'

6. With which European country did India sign the Tax Information Exchange Agreement(TIEA) on March ?
Answer :- Liechtenstein on 28th March 2013 [A central European Country]

7. Babili Project situated in which state?
Answer :- Maharastra

8.Which state won the Mushtaq Ali Twenty-20 Champianship Title?
Answer :- Gujarath

9. Who won the 67th Santosh Trophy tournament in March 2013?
Answer :- Services

10. Who is famous for 'Hole in the Wall' experiment?
Answer :- Sugata Mitra

11. The Spraty Island, which are under dispute are located at which sea?
Answer :- South China Sea

12. Who has created history by becoming the first Indian on solo non stop trip across the world in a sail boat ?
Answer :- Abhilash Tomy

13. The opening ceremony of the 2013 Indian Premier League was held at ?
Answer :- Kolkata

14. India started Visa on Arrival facility for the senior citizens of which country?
Answer :- Pakisthan

15. World Health Day was observed on ?
Answer :- April 7

16.Who has been recently formally appointed as China's President?
Answer:- Xi Jinping

17. The recent Indian budget has proposal for developing deep sea port at Sagar Island. This island is located in which state?
Answer:- West Bengal(data by facebook/IBPSExamination)

18. Which committee is set up for giving clear definitions for FDI & FII?
Answer:- Aravind Mayaram Committee

19. Who is the current Chairman of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) Network?
Answer:- Navin Kumar

20. Wold biggest wildlife summit was held in which country?
Answer:- Bangkok

21. Who has been appointed as the new United States Defense Secretary?
Answer:- Chuck Hagel

22. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is elected as the Catholic Church's new Pope hails from which country?
Answer:- Arhentina

23. Which state government has announced a new scheme called Kanyasri Prakalpa, to encourage girls towards higher education?
Answer:- West Bengal

24. The first women's Government Medical College of Independent India is located at which state?
Answer:- Haryana

25. Who was re-elected for a second term as IAEA (International Atomic Energey Agency) Chief?
Answer:- Yukiya Amano

26.Which Indian IT major has been reorganized for the second year as one of the world's most ethical firms by business ethics think-tank Ethisphere Institute?
Answer:- Wipro
27.Which Indian orgin writer has won the inagural British Physics Journalism Prize?
Answer:- Anil Ananthaswamy

28. Which country is set to launch first solid fuel rocket by 2016?
Answer:- China

29. Who is the head of the six member committee constituted by the Union Government to prepare a blueprint for the proposed women's bank?
Answer:- M.B.N.Rao

30.Which is the location of the proposed National Institute of Sports Science and Medicine (NISSM)?(data by facebook/IBPSExamination)
Answer:- New Delhi

31. Who is appointed as the Mission Director for the ambitious Direct Benefits Transfer(DBT) scheme?
Answer :- Sindhushree Khullar

32. Which ministry has recently launched the Ragiv Rinn Yojana (RRY)?
Answer :- Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation

33. The Changthangi or pashmina goat is found in which Indian State?
Answer :- Jammu & Kashmir

34.The Elephanta Cultural festival is organized by which State Government?
Answer :- Maharastra

35.The Union Budgect 2013-14 has pegged the fiscal deficit for the current year at which rate?
Answer :- 5.6 %

36. Which Indian was awarded SAARC Literature Award in 2013?
Answer :- Abhay.K

37.Who is the head of the 16-member committee set by SEBI to suggest new rules for dealing with insider trading?
Answer :- N.K.Sodhi

38.What is the name of new version of Office Software launched by the Microsoft?
Answer :- Office 365

39. What is the expansion of IDR, which is an instrument for foreign companies to raise funds from the Indian Securities Markets?
Answer :- Indian Depository Receipt

40. Recently, which country has successfully extracted natural gas from methane hydrate deposits under the sea, in the first example of production of the gas offshore?
Answer :- Japan

41. Who is the Chairperson of FSDC (Financial Stability and Development Council)?
Answer :- Finance Minister

42. Hago Chavez, who recently passed away was the president of which country?
Answer :- Venezuela

43. Key Resolve 2013 is the joint military exercise of which countries?
Answer :- United States and South Korea

44. What is the rank of India in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report for 2013?
Answer :- 136th

45. Recently, which country has signed an accord with India to strengthen collaboration in the field of Earth Science and help improve forecasts about climate-related phenomena?
Answer :- United Kingdom

46. Recently, which film has picked up the Golden Bear for best film at the Berlin film festival?
Answer :- Child's Pose

47. Which festival is celebrated annually by the Sufi Musicians in New Delhi?
Answer :- Jahan-e-Khusrau festival

48. The world's largest biogas plant was inaugurated in which country?
Answer :- Finland

49. Which is first in India to receive Rs.25 lakh as carbon credits from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)?
Answer :- Okhla composting plant [South Delhi Municipal Corporation's plant]

50. Recently, which ministry has launched e-PPS scheme?
Answer :- Union Ministry for Communication and IT

51. Chairman of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council?
Answer :- C.Rangarajan

52. Name the project for which Prime Minister laid foundation for a project recently in Cochin?
Answer :- Integrated Refinary Expansion Project (IREP) of Bharat Petroleum Kochi Refinery

53. Name the country which is designing software for controlling social media access?
Answer :- Iran

54. Mauritius president who visited recently India whose parents were descents from Bihar?
Answer :- Rajkeswar Purryag

55. 14,833 drummer's ensemble to enter the Guiness World Records in which state?
Answer :- Assam
Artist played Khol [ A traditional Assamese musical instrument]

56. Where will being the work to implement world's largest solar telescope?
Answer :- Ladakh

57. Diplomat and good will Ambassadors of India in UNESCO since 2000 passed away recently, who?
Answer :- Madanjeet Singh

58. Centenary session of Indian Science Congress held in ?
Answer :- Kolkata

59. Who selected as the new financial service secretary in Finance Ministry?
Answer :- Rajiv Takru

60. Who preceded Ratan Tata as Chairman in Tata Group?
Answer :- Cyrus Pranav 

61. What is IPK, which was recently in news?
Answer :- International Prototype Kilogram 
Against IPK all the measurements of mass are set. It was first established in 1875

62. First civil air service of the state 'Mantra Airlines' inaugurated recently belongs to which Indian state?
Answer :- Jammu and Kashmir

63. Newely appointed chairman of law commission?
Answer :- Justice D.K.Jain

64.Which countrydefeated India in the Davis Cup Asia- Oceania Group One First Round?
Answer :- South Korea

65.Who is appointed as the new Solicitor General of India?
Answer :- Mohan Parasaran (Rohinton Nariman has recently resigned this post)

66. Who lead Team Mumbai in the Irani Trophy match against Rest of India?
Answer :- Abhishek Nayar

67. Who became the champions in the Hockey India Leagu , 2013?
Answer :- Ranchi Rhinos
They beat Delhi Daredevils 2 - 1 in the final

68. The reowned Malayalam poet who passed away on 11 February?
Answer :- D.Vinayachandran

69. Arjun Munda, Jharkahnd CM had to submit his resignation due to the withdrawal of which party in coalition?
Answer :- Jharkhand Mukti Morcha

70. India Governement announced the postponement of which law it will come into force from April 2016?
Answer :- GAAR (General Anti Avoidance Rule)

71.The 2013 SAARC literature festival was hosted by which place?
Answer:- Agra 

72.Recently, which country the giant Atacama Large Millimeter/Sumillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope is uneveiled?
Answer:- Chile

73. Who is the writer of the book titled ' Walking with Lions: Tales from a Diplomatic Past'?
Answer:- K.Natwar Singh

74. As per recent government decision, one major port is to be developed in each of Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. What is the current number of Major Ports in India?
Answer:- 12

75.Recently, which country was in news for a current designing of Wold's largest magnet, weighting 50000 tonnes?
Answer:- India (at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)

 1.         The Indian Evidence act into force on

            a)         06 Oct 1860                                          b)         01 Mar 1974
            c)         15 Mar 1872                                          d)         01 Sep 1872                              Ans:d

2.         The Indian Evidence act enacted in

            a)         06 Oct 1860                                          b)         01 Mar 1974
            c)         15 Mar 1872                                          d)         01 Sep 1872                              Ans:c

3.         The Indian Evidence act  1872 Consists

a)             167 Sections, 11 chapters
b)            511 Sections, 23 chapter
c)             156 Sections, 3 Schedules
d)            None of these                                                                                       Ans:a

4.         The Indian Evidence act  1872  was drafted by

            a)         Sir James F. Stephen                b)         Macaulay
            c)         Lilly                                                      d)         None of these               Ans:a

5.         The Indian Evidence act  1872 extends to

a)             Whole India                                          
b)            Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area & Jammu and Kashmir
c)             Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area
d)            Whole India except Jammu and Kashmir                                                 Ans:d (1)

6.         Facts means and include

a)             Any thing, state of things, or relation of things, capable of being perceived by the senses
b)            Any mental condition of which any person is conscious.
c)             Both the A and B
d)            Neither A nor B                                                                                      Ans:c(3)

7.         Facts can be

(a)        Physical facts                          
(b)        Psychological facts
(c)        Physical as well as psychological facts
(d)        Only physical facts & not psychological facts.                                       Ans:c

8.         The law of evidence consists of
(a)        Ordinary rules of reasoning        (b)        Legal rules of evidence
(c)        Rules of logic                           (d)        All the above.                Ans:b

9.         Indian Evidence Act applies to

(a)        Proceedings before tribunals     (b)        Proceedings before the arbitrator
(c)        Judicial proceedings in courts    (d)        All the above.                Ans:c

10.        Law of evidence is

(a)        Lex tallienis                                           (b)        Lex fori
(c)        Lex loci solutionis                                 (d)        Lex situs.                                  Ans:b

11.        Law of evidence is

(a)        Substantive law                         (b)        An adjective law
(c)        Both (a) & (b)                            (d)        Neither (a) nor (b).                     Ans:b

12.        Under the Evidence Act, fact means

(a)        Factum probandum
(b)        Factum probans
(c)        Both factum probandum and factum probans
(d)        None of the above.                                                                                           Ans:c

13.        Fact in issue means

(a)        Fact, existence or non-existence of which is admitted by the parties
(b)        Fact, existence or non-existence of which is disputed by the parties
(c)        Fact existence or non-existence of which is not disputed by the parties
(d)        All the above.                                                                                        Ans:b

14.        Evidence under the Indian Evidence Act means & includes

(a)        Ocular evidence
(b)        Documentary evidence
(c)        Ocular and documentary evidence both
(d)        Ocular evidence based on documents only.                                            Ans:c

15.        Mark the correct option

a)             Documents means any matter expressed or described upon any substance b means of letter, figures or marks.
b)            Words printed, lithographed or photographed are documents
c)             A map or plan is a document
d)            An inscription on a metal plate or stone and caricature are documents.
e)             All the above                                                                                                     Ans:e(3)

16.        Mark the correct option

a)             All statements which the court permits or requires to be made before  it by witnesses, in relation to matters of fact under inquiry such statements are called oral evidence
b)            All documents including electronic records produced for the inspection of the court called as documentary evidence
c)             Both the A and B are correct
d)            Neither A nor B are correct.                                                                    Ans:c

17.        After considering the matters before it, the Court either believes it to exist that fact is said to be

            a)         Not proved                                                       b)         Disapproved
            c)         Proved                                                 d)         None of these   Ans:c(3)

18.        After considering the matters before it, the Court either believes that it does not exist, or considers its non-existence that fact said to be

a)         Not proved                                                       b)         Disapproved
            c)         Proved                                                 d)         None of these   Ans:b(3)

19.        A fact neither proved nor disproved is known

a)         Not proved                                                       b)         Disapproved
            c)         Proved                                                 d)         None of these   Ans:a(3)

20.        Whenever it is provided by this Act that the Court may presume a fact, it may either regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved, or may call for proof of it

a)         May presume                                        b)         Conclusive proof
c)         Shall presume                                       d)         None of these   Ans:a(4)

21.        Whenever it is directed by this Act that the Court shall presume a fact, it shall regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved

a)         May presume                                        b)         Conclusive proof
c)         Shall presume                                       d)         None of these   Ans:c(4)

22.        When one fact is declared by this Act to be conclusive proof of another, the Court shall, on proof of the one fact, regard the other as proved, and shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it

a)         May presume                                        b)         Conclusive proof
c)         Shall presume                                       d)         None of these   Ans:b(4)

23.        Which one of the following is not included in expression court under Indian Evidence Act

            a)         All Judges                                                                    b)         All Magistrates
            c)         All persons legally authorized to take evidence   d)         Arbitrator          Ans:d

24.        That there are certain objects arranged in a certain order in a certain place-

            a)         Is a fact                                                            b)         Is an opinion
            c)         Is a document                                       d)         Is a motive                    Ans:a(3)

25.        A inscription on metal plate or stone

            a)         Is a fact                                                            b)         Is a document
            c)         Is an opinion                                                     d)         Is a motive                    Ans:b(3)